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Grand New Fortuner VNTurbo , Hadir Di Indonesia

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 | 6:09 AM

Grand New FortunerTurbo, Hadir Di Indonesia Untuk Symbol Ketangguhan Anda

Grand New FortunerTurbo, Hadir Di Indonesia Untuk Symbol Ketangguhan Anda
Grand New Fortuner VNTurbo 
Selamat malam sahabat Sorana Indonesia Media Informasi Online PT Toyota Astra Motor meluncurkan SUV teranyar Grand New Fortuner VNTurbo yang dilengkapi teknologi intercooler. "Grand New Fortuner VNT memiliki mesin yang berbeda dari pendahulunya dengan kapasitas mesin 2.500 CC," kata Presiden Direktur PT Toyota Astra Motor Johnny Darmawan saat peluncuran kendaraan tersebut di Jakarta,
Menurut informasi yang saya dapat dari www.toyota.astra.co.id  dan Berdasarkan “iklan” yang disebarkan wiraniaga Auto2000Grand New Fortuner dengan mesin diesel VNT, tenaga naik menjadi 142 PS. Dibandingkan dengan mesin lama, tenaga ini naik sampai 40 persen atau menjadi 142 PS. Di Thailand, untuk mesin yang sama, malah naik menjadi 144 PS.

Pada Turbo biasa, agar kompressor bisa efektif, dibutuhkan putaranturbin yang kencang. Hal itu hanya bisa dihasilkan jika tekanan gas buang cukup tinggi. Atau dengan kata lain Turbo baru efektif pada putaran mesin tinggi.

Bagaimana mendapatkan tekanan yang cukup pada putaran mesin rendah? Disinilah inovasi VNT.  Berneda dengan perangkat Turbo biasa, rumah turbin dilengkapi bilah/sudu-sudu. Sudu-sudu ini bisa diatur sudut bukaannya tergantung beban mesin, rpm, dan banyak variable lainnya. Penggerak sudu-sudu adalah motor listrik.

Pada putaran rendah, ketika tekanan gas buang masih lemah dan tidak efektif memutar turbin, maka sudu-sudu ditutup sehingga gas buang mengalir di area sempit yang otomatis meningkatkan tekanannya. Hasilnya bisa memutar turbin secara efektif yang membuat kompressor bisa bekerja sejak putaran rendah.

Semakin tinggi putaran mesin, sudut bukaan sudu-sudu makin besar untuk menghindari tekanana berlebihan yang bisa merusak perangkat turbo.

Grand New Fortuner VNTurbo , Hadir Di Indonesia
Grand New Fortuner VNTurbo , Hadir Di Indonesia 

Malah dibandingikan dengan mesin diesel Chevrolet Trailbalzer yang akan dipasarkan General Motors Indonesia akhir tahun, Grand New Fortuner masih kalah sedikit. Chevy Trailblazer tenaga maksimumnya 150 PS (110 PS) @3.800 rpm dan torsi 350 Nm (35,7 kgm) @ 2.300 rpm.

Perbedaan kinerja mesin diesel Grand New Fortuner dengan yang lama:

Mesin diesel dengan VNT
Mesin diesel dengan lama
4-silinder, DOHC, 16 katup, VNT
4-silinder, DOHC, 16 katup
2.494 cc
2.494 cc
Tenaga maks.kw (PS) @rpm
106 (144) @3.400
76 (102 PS)@3.600
Torsi maks. Nm (kgm@rpm)
343 (35) @1.600- 2.000
260(26,5) @1.600 – 2.400
Konsumsi bbm
10,8 kpl
11,2 kpl
Akselerasi 0-100 kpj
15,6 detik
20,9 detik

Perbedaan harga baru dan lama:

Harga Baru
Harga Lama
Grand New Fortuner 2.5G Diesel Manual
Grand New Fortuner 2.5G Diesel Matik
Grand New Fortuner 2.5G Diesel Manual TRD
Grand New Fortuner 2.5G Diesel  Matik TRD
Catatan, Harga baru  dirilis oleh Auto2000 Bandung sedangkan harga lama oleh PT Toyota Astra Motor, Jakarta
            Semoga dengan artikel Grand New Fortuner VNTurbo ini dapat menjadi rekomendasi untuk kendaraan yang sahabat cari- cari selama ini, o ya jangan lupa share artikel ini ke Teman, Saudara, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ sahabat ya, Terimakasih :)

Jangan asal copy pastebaca aturanya Disini Post By Afif Kurniawan Sinuhaji  
Gabung Di Forum Diskusindo
 TV Online

The blackberry dakota remains the commonest and widely utilized smart phone

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, September 4, 2012 | 7:24 PM

 The blackberry dakota remains the commonest and widely utilized smart phone

The blackberry dakota remains the commonest and widely utilized smart phone email device for business enterprise. A blackberry is like to a mobile phone device, nevertheless has accumulated functionality to admit email, calendar updates, documents and other data straight to the user across the internet and the mobile phone network, to be sent out and accepted while on the move.
The feature is a slim design, with a fully useful QWERTY keyboard (as is as on a PC) and large screen. Users can send out and find email messages, phone calls and browse the internet with a Blackberry from nearly any location. For instance its usual apply for sales reps to be away of the office visiting customers. A blackberry dakota device would admit the sales rep team to intercommunicate with a company email address from outside the office. In fact, the sales rep would be able to all over the same projects as on the office computer.
The blackberry dakota understand for new information and notifies the user while this arrives along sound or vibration. The user besides would encounter a copy of the email on the office PC, and label it as understand to server confusion. The Blackberry Enterprise host software (BES) is established on the mail servers in the collective business network. Its an efficient resolution admitting employees to communicate effectively away of the office increasing productivity applying businesses a competitory reward in a market where all advantage of blackberry dakota.

Jangan asal copy paste, baca aturanya Disini Post By Afif Kurniawan Sinuhaji  
Gabung Di Forum Diskusindo
 TV Online

Free Download Internet Download Manager 6.12 Build 11 Final

Written By Unknown on Thursday, August 30, 2012 | 8:05 PM

Free Download Internet Download Manager 6.12 Build 11 Final Powerfull

IDM 6.12 Build 11 Final Powerfull
Sorana ID, Lowongan Kerja- Internet Download Manager memang merupakan salah satu software download terbaik. Padahal baru beberapa hari yang lalu CT share IDM 6.12 Build 10 Final , namun kini IDM sudah merealese versi terbaru lagi yaitu IDM 6.12 Build 11 Final Powerfull.
         Software IDM 6.12 Build 11 Final Powerfull. ini sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan semua browser dan semua sistem operasi yang tersedia dan sobat dapat dengan mudah mendownload video dari situs YouTube, Google Video, MySpaceTV dan lainya dengan mudah tanpa perlu men-download software khusus di setiap masing-masing situs ini.
       IDM 6.12 Build 11 Final Powerfull mampu meningkatkan kecepatan download sampai 500%. Tunggu apalagi , silahkan download dan buktikan kehebatan software ini special buat sahabat Sorana Indonesia, Media Informasi Online Dan Lowongan Kerja

Download IDM 6.12 Build 11 Final Powerfull :

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  •     Selesai dah.... :)
    Sumber: Free Download Internet Download Manager 6.12 Build 11 Final
Jangan asal copy paste, baca aturanya Disini Post By Afif Kurniawan Sinuhaji  
Gabung Di Forum Diskusindo
 TV Online

Cara Baru Mendapatkan Domain Gratis Free 100% Dari Intuit

Written By Unknown on Friday, August 17, 2012 | 2:28 AM

            Sorana Indonesia Media Informasi Online- Selamat siang sahabat Sorana Indonesia kali ini saya membagikan Trik Barus untuk mendapatkan DOMAIN TDL ( .COM .NET .INFO ) domain gratis free 100% dari Intuit LEWAT HP juga bisa .
Sorana Indonesia Media Informasi Online- Trik baru ini saya dapatkan dari Blog Cyber4rt Thank's sahabat atas sharenya sangat bermamfaat buat para newbe :)
Syaratnya :

1. Anda harus punya akun di intuit.com.
2. Kalau belum punya silahkan daftar dulu ya :)  Disini

3. Kemudian isi semua data yang diminta seperti yg dibawah ini:

4. O ya saya lupa kalau domain anda sudah terdaftar silahkan gabung disini ya Diskusindo Forum Komunitas Diskusi Anak Indonesia Terbesar Dan No. 1 Di Indonesia

5. Lalu klik “Choose a domain (www.yourname.com) for your website”.


 6. Masukkan nama domain yang kalian inginkan.
7. Jika Domain yang kalian inginkan tersedia klik "Get Domain".

 8. Selanjutnya isi lagi6. Selanjutnya isi lagi semua datanya seperti Nama, Email, Nomor HP, dll.

9. Setelah itu kalian akan diarahkan ke halaman Info kontak, Jangan centang Domain Privasi (Nanti Akun Kalian Bisa Disuspend) cukup Centang Saya Setuju (I Agree) lalu klik Submit.

 10. Kemudian akan muncul halaman pop out yang tujuannya untuk meminta Informasi dan alamat penagihan domain kalian (Domain yang kalian minta gratis, tapi untuk melindungi terhadap penipuan mereka membutuhkan informasi penagihan domain kalian).

11. Pada bagian credit card isi seperti dibawah :
Nama card = Isi Terserah
Nomer card = 4067424205414109
Exp date = 02/13
Security code card= 145

Domain yang kalian inginkan akan diproses dalam waktu kurang dari 24 Jam, jadi silakan tunggu hingga domain kalian aktif, tapi biasanya hanya membutuhkan waktu 3-5 Jam saja.

- Order hanya boleh 1 domain dalam 1 akun, nanti domain kalian bisa mati semua.

Jangan asal copy paste, baca aturanya di sini Post By Lae Afif 
TV Online

Google Doodle peringati Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia Yang Ke 67

Google Doodle peringati Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia Yang Ke 67

 WASPADAnews, DIRGAHAYU HUT RI 67 - Mesin pencari paling unggul saat ini, Google, memasang Doodle atau gambar tematis Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia di laman muka www.google.co.id. Gambar yang dipasang bertema lomba makan kerupuk dan lomba balap karung.

Begitu doodle ini diklik, pembaca langsung diarahkan ke halaman pencarian "Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia." Pada halaman pertama indeks, muncul sejumlah berita dan halaman Wikipedia yang menjelaskan soal Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia.

              67 tahun lalu, pada Jumat, 17 Agustus 1945 Tahun Masehi, atau 17 Agustus 2605 menurut tahun Jepang, Proklamasi Kemerdekaan  dibacakan oleh Soekarno yang didampingi oleh Mohammad Hatta di Jalan Pegangsaan Timur 56, Jakarta Pusat. Hari ini kemudian disebut sebagai Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia.
           Saat ini, setiap tanggal 17 Agustus, selalu dilakukan upacara kenaikan bendera dan penurunan bendera merah putih di Istana Negara. Sementara di masyarakat, perayaan selalu diwarnai dengan sejumlah lomba misal lomba panjat pinang, lomba makan kerupuk dan lomba balap karung.

Jangan asal copy paste, baca aturanya di sini Post By Lae Afif 
TV Online


Written By Unknown on Friday, May 11, 2012 | 8:34 PM

Techie Buzz is a popular blog which was started in July 2006. On Techie Buzz we share news and views about the latest technology. Techie Buzz is focused on making technology easier for the masses and we regularly write about tips and tricks and useful how to, mobile news, gadgets news and more. To learn more about us, please visit our About page.
Last Updated: 26th June, 2010

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At Techie Buzz we have a team of focused individuals who know their job very well and write appealing and well-researched content.
This has lead Techie Buzz to achieve several honors including being ranked among the top 100 tech blogs in world by Technorati and the #135 Technology blog of the year 2009 by Post Rank. Wikio a blog aggregator ranks Techie Buzz as #125 in Technology section and #814 among all blogs. Techie Buzz is also regularly featured in Google News, TechMeme and other top Technology resources.
We also have a regular reader base of over 12000 for all our combined feeds. In addition to that, we have have a steady stream of visitors and are growing at a very healthy rate.
At Techie Buzz, you can reach out your product to the right technology, mobile and gadgets market.

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Techie Buzz is visited by over 2.5 million users every month. Based on the trends we expect this figure to grow up to 5 million page views per month by September 2010.
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  • Page Rank: 5
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  • Alexa Rank: 7,334
  • Feed Subscribers: 12000+ combined
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We look forward to doing business with you.

Facebook Adds File-sharing Feature for Groups

Facebook plans to bring in the file-sharing feature to all Facebook Groups as the company made and announcement that it will soon roll out the new file sharing feature to all Groups, enabling members to send and receive files to each other.
The new feature started to roll out yesterday to a small number of Facebook groups, and will eventually be rolled out to all Groups in the next few days, according to Kate Freeman of Mashable. As Freeman got in touch with Facebook, the company said that groups that don’t yet have the file sharing abilities will get it “soon,” perhaps in by next week.
Users can upload files up to 25 MB in size and make the uploaded files available to anyone inside a group, however, music and executable files are not allowed to be uploaded. E-books, comics, and video files are fine up to 25MB.
Facebook File-sharing for Groups
The restriction to 25MB is to eliminate users from uploading copyrighted video, and also not allowing them to upload music files is probably because the social networking giant seems to be trying to avoid being associated with any disreputable activity like piracy. It is also trying to keep hackers at bay by eliminating executable files from being uploaded.
Like its conventional feature where users can report problems, users can as well be able to report files as a way for the social network to try to prevent sharing of copyrighted or malicious files.
Earlier in April, Facebook launched Groups for Schools, and Facebook did mention about the file sharing feature then. The file sharing service is designed “to make it even easier to share lecture notes, sports schedules, or class assignments,” according to the announcement. Now it pretty much looks like all Groups are getting the feature.
Also Read: Why Facebook Groups is a Powerful Tool for Teachers
Facebook acquired the file-sharing service Drop.io for around $10 million in October 2010, but that didn’t last for a long time. The company had to close down the site’s operations in December in the same year. On that note, Mashable speculates that Facebook will use Drop.io’s services to add a conference calling service to groups, but before predicting anything further, its best that we wait and see on that one.
Image Credits: Mashable

Intel CEO Knocks Windows RT’s Legacy Limitations

While the general sentiment amongst most sane people is that the legacy desktop doesn’t belong in Windows RT, there is one man who unsurprisingly holds a different view. Intel CEO Paul Otellini thinks that the limitation of the legacy desktop — where non-sanctioned third-party apps are not allowed to run — is actually a vulnerability of the ARM platform:

    “With one button you can get to legacy mode…this is critically important for CIOs who want to preserve all of their investments in software,” he said, referring to “tens of millions” of programs built around Intel’s x86 design.

    “We have the advantage of the incumbency, advantage of the legacy support. Not just in terms of applications but devices.”

As you can see, he feels that the support of legacy applications that Intel-based x86 tablets can offer users far outweigh the limitations of ARM. I largely disagree. Obviously, tablet users don’t want the Classic Windows UI or applications; they want something that’s far more suited for touch. However, a part of me does think that Intel has a sales advantage.

Microsoft’s choice to retain the classic legacy desktop in ARM to begin with was a completely idiotic decision, and I’m going to only focus on one reason — reason #5219874, to be exact — as to why that is. Average consumers will be so confused when they find that they can’t download normal software on their ARM tablet. It looks just like their desktop OS, but why doesn’t it work? So, perhaps this problem could be avoided through educated and informative salespeople, right? Well, if they tell consumers that something “doesn’t work”, while it will on another tablet, it may sway some people towards purchasing an x86 tablet, even if it’s more expensive.

They’ll justify the cost just because they want everything to work. And the people who buy an ARM tablet uninformed will be rather pissed at Microsoft when they cannot download MSN games like Belle’s Beauty Boutique to their device.

News Your Technology- Has AT&T Enabled Visual Voicemail for non-LTE Windows Phones?

News Your Technology- Has AT&T Enabled Visual Voicemail for non-LTE Windows Phones?

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News Your Technology- nokia-lumia-900-cyan-front-and-back

News Your Technology- This afternoon, I noticed that my Nokia Lumia 800 prompted me for a voicemail password out of nowhere. Thinking that there was some connectivity glitch, I entered the password and guess what, it took me to a visual voicemail screen! I have not seen that screen on my Lumia before, and as I was made to understand, Visual Voicemail for Windows Phone was only available if you added a 4G LTE plan with AT&T.

News Your Technology AT&T Lumia 800 Visual Voice Mail Checking

News Your Technology- Before everyone gets excited, I should provide a few disclaimers: I am on my company’s corporate plan, so I don’t know what plan I am on. However, knowing that my plan is actually an “iPhone data” plan, I know it could not be a 4G LTE plan, since there is no such plan. The other thing is that the screen stays at “syncing voicemail” and does not actually show me my voicemails. At some point this afternoon, I did get a message that it was not able to connect and that I could call the traditional voicemail. I restarted the phone to see if this disappeared, and it has not, so I suppose this functionality may actually be rolling out slowly. I sure hope so.
News Your Technology- AT&T Lumia 800 Visual Voicemail Settings

News Your Technology- Could this be another move by Nokia (and AT&T) to further the Windows Phone cause? We have seen that Nokia has been able to get a few exclusives and are making quite a splash in bringing the Windows Phone platform on par with iOS and Android. Could this be another move in that plan?

News Your Technology- Lumia 800 About Screen

News Your Technology- I am unable to confirm if this is true with other non-Lumia or non-LTE devices. If anyone has a Windows Phone (Lumia or otherwise) and is with AT&T but *not* on a 4G LTE plan, let me know. Let’s hope things are changing at AT&T with regard to their love of Windows Phone.

Update: I never saw it on my AT&T Samsung Focus, but here’s a response I saw on twitter:
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